Well last night after work I pulled the bed off my truck and installed the Air Dog lift pump I had sitting in the shop for two weeks now. All I can say is it went smoothly and I am very pleased with the results. The pump is a 150/150 and it was suprisingly quiet to me especially after hearing about all the talk of the pumps being loud. I could barely hear it hum when the truck is off and just the pump is running. I went all out and even installed the 5/8" draw straw it came with.:cool2: When I took the sending unit out I noticed a piece of the sending unit was actually laying in the bottom of the tank. WTF, those damn GM tech's. Besides the missing frame bracket out of the kit, it went pretty good. I just fabbed up my own frame bracket. The pump made a huge difference for power on the top end. It pulls hard now when the fuel is really flowing at the higher RPM's. I can successfully run my bigger tune now.:secret: I took pics and hopefully I can get them posted up here tonight. Thanks all:hello: