its not PSI that matters, so asking if "XXXpsi is enough to run so-and-so tool" doesnt really mean anything.
"175psi" isnt going to mean much and do anything productive for you if the compressor is only capable of 2 CFM. Pay attention to the CFM rating of the compressor and ignore the pressure rating. Almost all air tools dont need much more than 95-100psi anyways.
Would you consider a used air compressor? Id much rather spend 600$ on a 15 year old huge built-like-a-tank IR type30 (that probably cost 3k new) than whatever 600$ will get you as far as a new compressor at Sears.
We have a 80 gallon 6hp (thats 6 REAL hp, not "developed" or "peak", it actually draws almost 20 amps on 230volts. If you do the electrical math, 20a X 230v=4600w/746= 6.1 hp) 2 stage air compressor. Its a "husky" which is basically a Home Cheapo-rebadged Campbell Hausfeld compressor. Its a really nice machine IMO and I couldnt be happier with it. Smooth, quiet, provides wayyy more air than Ill ever need, is rated for 100% duty cycle, and has a B10 life rating of like 12,000 hours or something like that.
I think it was around $850 4 years ago?
Just my opinion.