Another guy with AC question on my 2006 duramax. So my AC was only getting down to 60* at the vents and took an hour driver to really cool off. Normally its 40*s at the vents. I rented some gauges and bought 3 12oz cans of pure 134. Before adding any the low side was 35 and the high was 180. After the first can 40 and 220 the second can got it to 45 and 250, but it stopped climbing1/2 way through the can it seemed. I added a 3rd can and tried another set of gauges, but probably lost 1/2 of it due to a leaking hose. The pressures didn't change any. Per the charts for 134 I should be seeing 50-55 and 250-275 @ 90*-95*. I'm worried I over the system, but why are the pressure not any higher? The temperature of the AC is 40* at the vents. The AC is untouched since 2006 other them this is the 2nd time I've had to add 134. I don't recall the pressures last time, but they where a little on the high side at 90* to get it to cool to 40*.