Took the new wheels and tires I got 2 weekends ago for my pulling truck and put them on my truck. Really liking the look of 305's, There really making me think about getting a set of new wheels and tires for the Duramax so these dont get wore down to much.
And a picture of the little guy who likes to pretend like he's driving things and push every button in sight. Locked himself in my truck, when I was washing it at my parents house, and pressed every button but the unlock button. Took the locksmith less than 5 seconds to access the truck...I dont think he learned his lesson, but I think my girlfriend realized its prolly a good idea to take the keys out of the truck when he's "driving". Lol, but maybe a "jimmy jammer" in the door would be a good idea, 5 seconds to open my truck has got me a little worried.
And a picture of the little guy who likes to pretend like he's driving things and push every button in sight. Locked himself in my truck, when I was washing it at my parents house, and pressed every button but the unlock button. Took the locksmith less than 5 seconds to access the truck...I dont think he learned his lesson, but I think my girlfriend realized its prolly a good idea to take the keys out of the truck when he's "driving". Lol, but maybe a "jimmy jammer" in the door would be a good idea, 5 seconds to open my truck has got me a little worried.
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