LMM: 911: no start after efi flash


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2006
St Louis, MO
On my friends 07 LMM, we removed his quad so he can get rid of it, and I full flashed another tune in with EFILive, and now the truck won't start. Its acting like a VATS issue as it fires for a split second and dies. Attempting a vat relink with efilive returns an error ($68, I think). I'm getting my sps laptop to try a vat relink with my tech2, but does anyone have any thoughts?


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2006
St Louis, MO
Well, got it started. Ended up reading the original ECM, and flashing it into the second ECM (all on my bench harness), and it started, so I then modified it with the tables from the tune I originally flashed and cal flashed it. Odd thing is the DPF related codes are still coming up, even though I've set all the enablers to "Not Reported". Any thoughts on that?

Also, before we removed the Quad, I read it out to see what they turned off in the DTC enablers (I've since deleted it), and found they turn off a BUNCH of other things, like APP Sensor 1, ECT Sensor Performance, and buch of other similarly unrelated codes that you'd WANT to have enabled to tell you if something was wrong... any ideas on that?


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2006
St Louis, MO
I know when I ran the bullydog tripower it wouldn't let us use anything else on it. Took a tech2 reflash to fix it.

Well, I got it working, so it may have just been a bad flash (I had a bad flash some time ago on my truck that resulted in the oil pressure guage not working). Thing is we're still getting codes; right after starting, we get P2033, P2455 and P0546. Before I reliased I hadn't set DPF to "No" and Regens to "0", we also got P0401 and P1448 (in addition to the above codes). Any thoughts? Hopefully we won't need to use the tech2 to "make it right" since my version of TIS2000 doesn't have all the latest calibrations for the truck.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2006
St Louis, MO
Should be able to set the codes to not report with efi live now. They will always come up in the background

Well, the thing is I set all the codes I could find (P0401 for example) to "X: Not Reported, No MIL", yet it still set the code :confused:. These E35 ECM's are wierd.

Edit: You know, come to think of it, maybe the quad does cause issues like the bullydog. It was after I read the original virgin ECM and full flashed THAT tune into the second one that I got it to start.
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