So, seeing how you have to find them using a Dodge search does that mean that the clear coat on them will come off within a year also???:rofl:
nice find!!
Without any exaggeration, I spent at least 100 hours going through catalogs, webseaches, and making phone calls before I found these.
Other 30mm offsets that fit our truck (that I could find):
20-22-23-24-26 rims. Tires are $$$ and so are the rims.
Custom wheels. $$$$$ and 1-4 month delivery.
Undrilled wheels. $$ and 2-3 month wait.
Weight rating? Dunno. What did the website say? Anything over 2000lb works for my current needs.
High offset (30mm, or 5.5" backspace), 18x8"
18x8 Granite Alloy LK3 BLK MA LP
Find them by using 2006 Dodge 2500HD 2WD as the vehicle.
Hey Pat did I do the search right I did it under both and they lookk to come up as the same real nice and cheap price.