In the PCM or TCM? I've worked with the TR adjustments greatly in the TCM and never found it to be positively effective, most of the ACTUAL TR is done via the PCM...although it is based on some info it receives from the TCM. In other words, just allow the trans to tell the PCM what to do...but adjust what the PCM _actually does_ with those requests instead. Doing so keeps the trans happier and the shifting better overall.
So that mostly just leaves the PCM for TR adjustments and there's really only one you actually need to work with to find the sweet spot, the rest you can just max out/disable (BTM, max allowed torque, max axle torque etc.). The biggy you want to fine tune and where 95% of how the truck and trans functions is based on the percentages in table B6605 "TCS spark retard torque loss". This is the table that will have the most profound change on how the truck feels and more importantly how the trans acts. If you reduce it greatly or worse yet zero it out completely the trans will begin to shift very harshly. It's tolerable at first (similar to an old school trans w/ a shift kit) but it quickly learns and gets far too harsh since the PCM can't reduce spark on the shifts that the trans is asking for. I stated out with zeroing it out (as you can do on an 01-02 Allison truck) and quickly discovered that it NEEDS some spark retard to work smoothly. So I started over and only removed 50%!
from the entire table. Worked decent but was still a little too harsh once the trans re-learned the new shift times again. So I ended up at 60% (removed only 40% from stock) and that's were I've had it for over a year and it still works well. I recommend only changing it about 10% at a time as it's rather easy to over shoot the desired results.
For the tables you really only need to max out/disable/zero once, they would be:
B1901- Max Allowed Engine Torque
B6601- Axle Torque Limiting
B0401- BTM Enable RPM
B0402- BTM Disable RPM
B6607- TCS Max Time Allowed
B6609- Tip-In Torque Reduction
B6610- Tip-In Torque Reduction Min Speed
B6614- Max Torque By RPM
D2001- Abuse Mode RPM Enable
D2002- Abuse Mode TPS Enable
D2003- Abuse Mode Speed Enable
D2004- Abuse Mode Torque Reduction
Also, working with B6612 "ETC pedal torque limit reduction" makes a noticeable improvement but you have to be _VERY CAREFUL_ with it as making too great of changes (especially in the lower tables) will cause the throttle to stick open. Not good but it's worth it if done carefully as there's some gains to be had there too.
These will get you started on the preliminary adjustments. Then ditch the PE delay timer and lean out PE some as these 8.1's are PIG RICH while in PE. Then work on timing to reduce any factory KR (they're very KR sensitive). Adjusting Stoich and 02 switch points for the E10 is favorable as well.
For adjustments in the TCM and after many trial and errors I finally settled on only changes to the upshift/downshift speeds and TCC apply/release speeds in an effort to improve the over all response of the truck (to throttle input). But those adjustments would be based on personal preference. I can tell you though keeping the TC released at WOT really helps the engine rev more freely as it's climbing the tach. If you haven't noticed in the factory tune the TC is applied as soon as WOT is entered and it remains locked throughout from there. Allowing it rev easier/quicker by leaving the TC released really makes a positive difference in overall performance when you really plant your foot to the floor.