No i dont think it was tino the thing is i pulled out of the hess on 64 there and u no on up a little it goes into to lane well when i pulled out of the hess i just had it on my tow tune and i blew him a little smoke well right then his light jump to green and i seen him pouring all kinds of smoke and i let him cacth up to me and when it open to 2 lane he came on around me so i layed into the old snow flake and got beside him and just stayed about a hood lenght away from him by then it was time for od and i didnt have it so the next light caught us red he rooled down his window i rolled down mine he ask me what i had done to it and i told him just the banks 6 gun sense i have the banks power stickers on the side of my truck. lol but he told me he had a ppe a built tranny and a lift pump dont no what kinda lift pump but he had a ats tranny