Help: 2008 LMM Low oil pressure Problem; Help Please


Drag Racer
Jun 13, 2009
My buddy is telling me his truck is losing power since he bought it with 60k miles and it now has 150k. He is mostly concerned about a low oil pressure message in the driver message center when going up a steep grade in the middle of a 200 mile trip. It kicks into a limp mode after that has happened in which he has had to shut it down and wait 15 minutes to complete his trip. Could this be the oil Pump going sour?
He is also getting the following codes;
-U0140 Lost communication with body control (BCM)
-U0102 Lost communication with Transfer case Module
-P0677 Cylinder 7 Glow Plug Circuit
-P0673 Cylinder 3 Glow Plug Circuit
-P0672 Cylinder 2 Glow Plug Circuit
All of which I do not think are related to his main problem of low oil pressure.
I also see lots of oil between the Transmission and engine but not enough to cause a drip when parked; Maybe the rear main Seal?
Also, He has not had to add any oil after an oil change a couple months back.
Any Help would be appreciated:thumb: