I was having issues with my regular cab for a long time. I took it into a diesel specialty shop and they found nothing. I only use for livestock and hay hauling. 75,700 miles. It would start heating 5 years ago on hot days with a full load. I would stop it. Past week it started drinking antifreeze. Verdict head gaskets and head work. $6500. I babied this truck and could never understand why this happened. I never let gauge get hot enough to bottom out or light to come on. My worry is how to prevent this? I never wanted to modify for horsepower because it is more then enough. I was looking at Thoroughbred Diesel website and called. They suggested aftermarket intercooler...Mishomoto radiator..and LBZ intake? I did the intake a year ago and it never made a difference. I almost traded it for a gas last summer and regret it now. I own it and don't want to buy a new pickup. What would you suggest with minimal investment to keep this from happening again. I always kept radiator clean. That is what I do with all my farm equipment? I am new to this forum and hope you guys can help me out with out too much crap.