2 kill stories, one I might pay for


May 28, 2008
Gresham, OR
I got one ego kill on the friday before MLK day. I was driving up to ohio from NC and on I-40 w, just west of Durham my brother was driving, cruise set at 65 or 70. Either way it was five over the speed limit. Next thing I know is a lifted 1/2 ton gasser with 2 huge stacks comes up beside us and pops his truck into neutral and revs the snot out of it twice. Both me and my brother look at him and bust into tears from laughing so hard. I know he saw us laugh and must have made him feel 2 inches tall, it was great.

Then just the other morning on my way into work I was in the left lane stopped at a light. I didn't even look to the right lane to see what was beside me. The light turns green and and take off like I normally do and I'm almost always the fastest one from a light. I heard another diesel stand on it and I looked in my mirrors to see a dodge gaining on me. So I stand on it and ran it to about 5 over the speed limit leaving him quickly. I got back in the right lane and set the cruise. 30 seconds later the dodge passes me and I realize its my company commander... Haven't seen him at work yet b/c of the training I've been in, but I'm curious to see what he'll say to me. I could get into trouble for racing him, but my saving grace is I didn't speed, lol :joker:


That Uncle
Apr 2, 2007
When is Nathan Bedford Forrest day? I thought it was somewhere around MLK timeframe but maybe not. :confused:

Opps it's that time again, if I don't hurry I am going to miss my favorite show on White Entertainment Television
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