If you ignored the warning to "NOT REMOVE POWER TO THE ECM IF THE FULL FLASH FAILS" and to keep trying to complete the flash your ecm is bricked.
Three warnings come up with the software, with a BBX flash it does not come up.
The LB7 ecm has the bootloader wiped and recoded during a full flash, this is the only duramax controller that has to be programmed this way, all others have a separate boot loader that does not get rewritten.
If you powered it down without completing a full flash it is a brick.
Send it to Socal Diesel for a flash chip replacement and off line programming, you will need a new VIN license as the SN# will not match anymore.
Call Lorenzo or Guy on Monday.
Got the same thing with my lb7,0101 fried my ecm and had to be replaced,Was your tune the same or different os?hope you get it fixed!
I have the EXSACT same issue and had to replace the ecm,the os in the tune didn't match as well as the vin,maybee that was the issue but never did figure out what happened,have you tried to get your license replaced and how did/do you go about it?Im a tech dummie but would like to get it replaced as well as you prob will.Hope you get it fixed ok!
I haven't asked about the license but you would think efi would allow another in a situation like this. Especially since it is software related.
I was told we can get a licence back if we provide proof of failure,I don't have a clue how to retrieve or send the info to them,Trying tofigure it out cuz a fresh built trans tune is in order instead of the ppe im using now,If I figure it out il let you know how I did it and hopefully you can get your vin back.have you got the truck running yet?
I'll send them a video haha. I can't read or flash even with fuses pulled that I could get away with pulling. I'll let you know how it goes. Ridiculous all this for a tune.
Were you guys able to get a license back after this happened? My ECM was toast after i tried a full flash last week also.