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  1. B

    Adopted Spooky's cousin today

    i work at a caddy dealer, for sure they are bad ass
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    More tdi questions

    i get 38+ all the time no matter how i drive it. see sig the most ive ever gotten was 48.7 an that was cruse set at 68 going down a interstate highway...
  3. B

    Cruising weekend O.C. md

    im going to try an make it there, look for chevmeisters dooley if he goes.
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    fuel in oil, truck in garage

    mack, funny you say that.... thats what he was going to put in when he took the drain plug out.....
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    fuel in oil, truck in garage

    Hahhahahahah, for every one else that wasnt there, the oil bath was hilarious. :roflmao::roflmao:
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    53' wedge loaded down with 2-duramaxs

    hmmm john kings truck.
  7. B

    log file - fuel in crankcase

    So i take it its not good when you command max rail pressure with leaking fuel lines?:D