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  1. C

    LBZ/LLY Cab swap

    Well did a little more wheeling and dealing with the guy and I think he is going to let me buy the whole thing for the price of the roller. So that will include the motor that’s in it (melted piston) and the 6spd. Having the motor, would it be easiest to just change lbz flywheel over to my...
  2. C

    LBZ/LLY Cab swap

    What all would that entail? Basically just every sensor or just a select few? I’m pretty educated on electronics, but not familiar with duramax stuff. Only ever had this Lly. And all of the wiring is there too give or take maybe a couple broke plugs. I do have access to the 6 speed. It’s...
  3. C

    LBZ/LLY Cab swap

    I have a 2005 duramax im currently in the process of pulling motor out to put brand new heads on and a full gasket kit (I already have all of this). I just came across a 2006 cab and rolling chassis with no drivetrain on FB Marketplace that is 10x cleaner than my current truck. I’m wondering if...