I assume so. I installed with pin to keyway. I painted the timing groove for rocker adjustment, groove is closest to block. When I installed the balancer, slid on without a bunch of effort. I did not take a mallet to it. Did not figure that would be good. Distance between edge of flywheel and...
Im maybe thinking, pull pushrods, put back together. bump engine with starter. Engine spins, throw pushrods in, adjust rockers. If I break the balancer bolt, Im pulling the engine. If the starter wont spin it, Im pulling the engine. Not familiar enough with Duramax to know if I am missing...
Bear with me. Have a question. Head gaskets blew at 126k. Have not pushed this truck. Pulled heads, bought kit from Merchant Auto. While heads were being rebuilt, to be safe, replaced water pump. Means removing harmonic balancer. Water pump in, heads back on, torque'd bolt to GM spec, foot...