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  1. S

    Help: Ermergeny Brake Cable

    I have had the e-brake assembly off and I am sure that the spring is not broken. I have also had both rear wheels off to adjust the parking brake and it still goes to the floor..... I have a new set of parking brake shoes that I guess I will install, doesnt look like they are any thincker...
  2. S

    Help: Ermergeny Brake Cable

    Thanks... I am looking forward to fixing it.
  3. S

    Help: Ermergeny Brake Cable

    If it does then I cant find it...and I have been from one end to the other looking for one.
  4. S

    Help: Ermergeny Brake Cable

    Hello all.... I have a 2001 HD and for some reason the emergency brake pedal does not seems to want to come all the way back up by itself, you can pull it all the way back up and it will stay. I have adjusted the brakes and replaced the leaking axle seals so that’s not the issue. If I pull on...