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  1. P

    Landcruiser conversion

    Thanks very much. It all looks good to go ahead
  2. P

    Landcruiser conversion

    The NP421c, sounds like a good substitute. I have found an adapter to the transfer case of the land cruiser(From the allison). In the adapter a speed sensor is used to go to the ecm, the toyota speed sensor on the rear of the transfer case is then used to drive the cruiser speedo. Would this...
  3. P

    Landcruiser conversion

    Ok So i have been doing a little bit more research and unfortunately the transfer case output from the chev is on the wrong side. So I will have to stick with the stock transfer case for the time being. In terms of using the standard transfer case I presume I can used the sensors already...
  4. P

    Landcruiser conversion

    Cool. I would have to use a compatible fuel tank sender unit also for both my main and sub tank.
  5. P

    Landcruiser conversion

    That's good to know, does anyone know if the turn signals are LED in the cluster. The factory Toyota has bulbs. I was looking at the wiring diagram and got me thinking I could just disconnect the pins for the turn signal etc bulbs from the Toyota and insert them into the relevant pins for the...
  6. P

    Landcruiser conversion

    Thank you for the detailed response. That is interesting to know about the transfer case. I will stick with the gm transfer case then. Basically if the cluster physically fits I could use the gm cluster and to get the indicators and headlights etc working on the cluster I could use the original...
  7. P

    Landcruiser conversion

    That would be great if you could let me know. I am aware that there is a conversion kit but this is only for things like engine mounts and the transfer case adapter. I have managed to find a Nissan patrol with what looks like a chev cluster in it(I could be wrong but it certainty looks...
  8. P

    Landcruiser conversion

    All of the duramax conversions to the Nissan patrols I have heard of use a transfer case adapter. That was what got me thinking about using the original transfer case. The problem I see if I use the gm cluster is that I will have to wire in all the turn signals headlights etc. I am not sure...
  9. P

    Landcruiser conversion

    I was thinking of using the GM transfer case, but I will lose the speedo function on the OEM speedo. I did consider installing the GM instrument cluster, but I figure it won't be a good physical fit. But if the cluster fits in well I will definitely use the GM transfer case. I figure that the...
  10. P

    Landcruiser conversion

    Hey, I am seriously contemplating about putting a duramax in my landcruiser. I have a few questions still that I need answered. Firstly If I retain the current transfer case I would not have a speedo input into the ecm/pcm. I just want to know if this is going to cause any problems with the...