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  1. P

    Home built remote turbo mount

    There are some people who do not actually appreciate the use of custom and home built options for this but I would still like to consider them as things that work and quite great at that. And with the available things at your disposal, it would be more helpful to make them usable at such a...
  2. P


    My internet connection works as normal on other sites but I noticed that there is an issue on pages where there are a lot of pages over this site. All pictures appear to have been loaded in but the load symbol still looms around and continues its cirling manner.
  3. P

    LLY: New here but not to diesels...

    Why hello there, I would like to welcome you to the forum though I am new here as well. Like you, I am new to the forum though ahve been familiar with diesels and everything that goes between them for quite a long time now. I have gone through a lot of different diesels and hopefully I would...