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  1. 05greendmax

    LLY: heads are off

    my heads are a mets machine does anyone know any info on them or any good news
  2. 05greendmax

    LML Boosted launch

    get it bud ive seen lmls hit 13s
  3. 05greendmax

    LBZ: Egr removal

    I have a allseason but not installed yet due to motor getting built
  4. 05greendmax

    LLY: heads are off

    I have talked to him this is what he told me to do over the phone. If this don't fix it new motor rebuild
  5. 05greendmax

    Top 25 Stock Duramax's

    whats the fastest ccLB
  6. 05greendmax

    LLY: heads are off

    well back in oct of last year truck stated blowin heavy blue smoke on start up and also with any kind of trailer ... so with 154k on her thouht it just needed a new turbo down pipe comes off oil every where 1problem solved ok so just slap a 4094vvt on it and be done with it ...
  7. 05greendmax

    4094va billet wheel potential?

    wow what inj should u go with to keep it from being a smokey pig and be fuel ecom also bottom end and piston safe