Search results

  1. M

    '82 Duramax Swap Pictures

    Looks b-blasted.... :confused:
  2. M

    '82 Duramax Swap Pictures

    Wow, ya that's pretty nice. Lots of work I bet. Keep the pics coming. :D
  3. M

    "New Bike" is sweet.

    x2, I think my neck is broke from just looking at the picture. I'll stay on 4 wheels for sure. :D
  4. M

    B99 Fuel.

    Just look at how you've helped the atmosphere with that one tank of B99. :p
  5. M

    New Truck Pics

    Wow Travis, that doesn't look like the same truck. So, what kind of rims are they???? :D
  6. M

    It's cooold out!

    Do you have experience with that Dale? :rofl:
  7. M

    User Jeannette

  8. M

    User Jeannette

    When we get an internet snake I'm hanging it up.
  9. M

    Lifetime Cleanable Allison Spin ON

    Ya, this kinda thing worries me as well. What kinda crap am I gonna leave in there after cleaning? Remember the valve body? :confused:
  10. M

    vids of me and my friends messin around

    X :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  11. M

    I gotta problem

  12. M

    Post Whores

    I want some Simon:D
  13. M

    Timeslip from your EFILive SCAN tool!

    Thanks for these instructions Pat. I'll give them a try and see just how bad I do.
  14. M

    Some codes to ponder

    Don't give it back, he doesn't need it.... :rofl:
  15. M

    Some codes to ponder

    Glad you have it going.
  16. M


    Funny :rofl:
  17. M

    Decided it's time for me to buy a diesel

    Now your talking :cheerleader:it's about time. :rofl:
  18. M

    Snow flake down rear end problems

    Thanks for the explanation James. Fantastic. I think he has some missing teeth on the ring gear.. or pinion... :eek:
  19. M

    Some codes to ponder

    And LOTS of air.... Even if you have to blow real hard. :D
  20. M

    Tight spot rotating engine

    My luck would have never played out like that. I'd have had to buy a set of pistons, a head and rods and ....... :cool2: