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  1. mvnvltn

    Life lesson

  2. mvnvltn

    So this is what I have been up to

    Its still a Ferd. :D
  3. mvnvltn

    Darn the luck

    Glad your ok. Time to bust out the some of them old tractors. :D
  4. mvnvltn

    Powerglide tranny

    I have a couple I need to get rid of.
  5. mvnvltn

    Everyone get the email about the new server

    Where are the cookies. :dontknow:
  6. mvnvltn

    dsp 5 help

    Copy and paste. Make sure you do every table in each DSP menu that the DSP allows for, or it may not run right.
  7. mvnvltn


  8. mvnvltn


    I have been lost all morning. :D
  9. mvnvltn

    Studding the heads

    It'll be fine , just do them one at a time..
  10. mvnvltn

    Moates Road Runner

    I am trying to fit one into my buget now. :D
  11. mvnvltn

    Site Slow?

    Me too.
  12. mvnvltn

    Simon's new test mule

    so where does mine fit in? :D
  13. mvnvltn

    Dirt Drag

    Yea right :D
  14. mvnvltn

    Dirt Drag

    I heard this guys truck is sweet!!!! I barely lost the last one. It was a funky start, they didn't...
  15. mvnvltn

    Street Duramax Trucks to be banned

    If I'm not mistaken, alot of local tracks run off NHRA / DHRA rules.
  16. mvnvltn

    Street Duramax Trucks to be banned

    This is gay
  17. mvnvltn

    2WD dragracers: Warning.

    I wonder if he needs a new seat cover. :D
  18. mvnvltn

    2WD dragracers: Warning.

    That things not a top fuel car.:confused:
  19. mvnvltn

    Need to make sure... quad and dirtbike at same time in bed?

    We used to stuff a CR500 in a 96 1500 short bed with a Banshee all the time.