Cool elevation.
You could leave the bottom flange of the (2) 18" I beams exposed... instead of an engine hoist use a "ladder beam" rolling on the bottom flange with a pulley/block and tackle/winch? whatever for jerking motors...
Pulling a motor, maybe the bed, hell even the cab...
I just tore my motor apart, never had overheating issues. The inside of every passage was PERFECT. IMHO i will use the stuff that came from the factory provided no sanctioning body has issue.
You know better than i do Mike, for sure.
I just didn't think a seal on the transfer case would go bad after 15,000 miles, it's a new truck. After he just put in a new trans? Spose i shoulda left it alone and asked him what color the liquid was.:)
If Pat's teaching it and it's hands on, it would be worth it.
From what i have read (DP) it's not by Pat? It's Pat's curriculum lead by another EFI teacher?
Can somebody pull it out of my butt? Pat's teaching it, yea?
sweeet deal! those are the best trucks to hot rod. little to no investment, i never feel bad raggin' one/breaking one when you get 'em so cheap.
Good luck.
My christmas is a bust! waaaaah:baby: No compounds... I'm over it. Other people will have them for sale soon, I'm sure. Either that or I'll park the truck for another 3 months and do it.
I want 18-20" rims with 32-34" tall slicks...... I'd settle for 6" of soft mushy sidewall.
Maybe Santa...
No kidding when i was in high school you beat a kid up or vice versa.... and it was over. As it is now he ,or one of his buddies, get's a gun and shoots you a week later!
THERE IS HOPE! Thanks Bluemax, now i know it's possible cause you/it's been done.
Larry, I am not familiar with a trans drivability issue called "bounce"? slide bump yea... slide bang ah huh... overlap yea buddy!
Bounce? Can it be typed?:)