I have a 2009 Cutaway van with duramax LMM. Which one is the best tuner for this kind of motor? I tried to buy EFI live and the salesperson told me that tuner was for pick up trucks only.:mad:
I have a 2009 Cutaway van with duramax LMM. Which one is the best tuner for this kind of motor? I tried to buy EFI live and the salesperson told me that tuner was for pick up trucks only because the software for the cutaway van was different.:mad:
I have a 2009 Cutaway van with duramax LMM. Which one is the best tuner for this kind of motor? I tried to buy EFI live and the salesperson told me that tuner was for pick up trucks only.:mad:
I have a 2209 Cutaway van with duramax LMM. Which one is the best tuner for this kind of motor? I tried to buy EFI live and the salesperson told me that tuner was for pick up trucks only.:mad: