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  1. E

    truck towing pictures...

    Towing for an auto cross event.
  2. E

    Attention LML owners...

    I have a 2013 and checked it today. Top half do the rubber was folded towards the radiator and bottom half was towards the engine. I checked and the rubber was no where touching radiator. I folded it all towards the engine. Seems like having it forward could restrict air flow when more air is...
  3. E

    New from AR

    Hi! I am from Northwest Arkansas. I just got a 2013 Chevy CC LB Dually. I have been around diesels for a while but this is the first one I have owned. I have about 7,000 miles on it and I love it! :thumb: I look forward to learning more about diesels and specifically ways to make my Duramax...